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  Jokes > Top rated jokes : total 3549. Page : 1.

      Funny Fact N1267
    The oldest patented company logo is the red triangle of Bass beers!...
    » Category : Funny Facts. Rating : 10.00, 1 votes. Reviews : 0

      Funny Fact N1266
    The oil used by jewelers to lubricate clocks and watches costs about $3,000 a gallon...
    » Category : Funny Facts. Rating : 10.00, 1 votes. Reviews : 0

      Funny Fact N1265
    The odds of getting a hole-in-one in golf are estimated at about 18,000-to-1...
    » Category : Funny Facts. Rating : 10.00, 1 votes. Reviews : 0

      Funny Fact N1263
    The octopus` testicles are located in its head...
    » Category : Funny Facts. Rating : 10.00, 2 votes. Reviews : 0

      Funny Fact N1262
    The number of births that occur in India each year is higher than the entire population of Australia...
    » Category : Funny Facts. Rating : 10.00, 3 votes. Reviews : 0

      Funny Fact N1255
    The name Joshua is Hebrew for `Jesus`...
    » Category : Funny Facts. Rating : 10.00, 1 votes. Reviews : 0

      Funny Fact N1254
    The name "Wendy" was made up for the book Peter Pan!...
    » Category : Funny Facts. Rating : 10.00, 1 votes. Reviews : 0

      Funny Fact N1253
    The Muppet Show was banned from Saudi Arabian TV becuase one if its stars was a pig...
    » Category : Funny Facts. Rating : 10.00, 1 votes. Reviews : 0

      Funny Fact N1252
    The mother of the boy Michael Jackson is accused of abusing is named `Janet Jackson`...
    » Category : Funny Facts. Rating : 10.00, 1 votes. Reviews : 0

      Funny Fact N1251
    The most used letter in the English alphabet is `E`, and `Q` is the least used!...
    » Category : Funny Facts. Rating : 10.00, 1 votes. Reviews : 0

      Funny Fact N1250
    The most pushups ever performed in one day was 46,001...
    » Category : Funny Facts. Rating : 10.00, 1 votes. Reviews : 0

      Funny Fact N1249
    The most productive day of the workweek is Tuesday...
    » Category : Funny Facts. Rating : 10.00, 1 votes. Reviews : 0

      Funny Fact N1213
    The inventor of the Waffle Iron did not like waffles...
    » Category : Funny Facts. Rating : 10.00, 1 votes. Reviews : 0

      Funny Fact N1212
    The human heart creates enough pressure to squirt blood 30 ft...
    » Category : Funny Facts. Rating : 10.00, 1 votes. Reviews : 0

      Funny Fact N1208
    The higher the income, the more likely an American man will cheat on his wife...
    » Category : Funny Facts. Rating : 10.00, 1 votes. Reviews : 0

      Funny Fact N1207
    The height of a bowling pin is equal to its circumference...
    » Category : Funny Facts. Rating : 10.00, 1 votes. Reviews : 0

      Funny Fact N1195
    The G in `g-string` stand for groin...
    » Category : Funny Facts. Rating : 10.00, 1 votes. Reviews : 0

      Funny Fact N931
    Of all things, Andrew Jackson?s tombstone does not mention that he served as the president of the Un...
    » Category : Funny Facts. Rating : 10.00, 2 votes. Reviews : 0

      Funny Fact N930
    Of all the words in the English language, the word set has the most definitions!...
    » Category : Funny Facts. Rating : 10.00, 2 votes. Reviews : 0

      Funny Fact N37
    Gardening is said to be one of the best exercises for maintaining healthy bones...
    » Category : Funny Facts. Rating : 10.00, 1 votes. Reviews : 0

  pages : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ... [>>]

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