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  Jokes > Most popular jokes : total 2654. Page : 1.

      Mean things to say to people
    Any similarity between you and a human is purely coincidental!Anyone who told you to be yourself couldn`t have given you worse advice...
    » Category : Insults jokes. Rating : 5.00, 3660 votes. Reviews : 107

      White boy
    A little black boy goes into the kitchen where His mom is baking...
    » Category : Ethnic jokes. Rating : 6.26, 2116 votes. Reviews : 616

      Big chief
    A young reporter is out on her first assignment, a full piece story on the local Indian reservation and it`s tribe...
    » Category : Ethnic jokes. Rating : 4.31, 910 votes. Reviews : 29

      Big fart
    The daughter of an Indian chief visits his doctor...
    » Category : Ethnic jokes. Rating : 4.19, 722 votes. Reviews : 7

      Peace on you
    (Must be read with and Italian accent) One day ima gonnaMalta to bigga hotel...
    » Category : Insults jokes. Rating : 4.81, 715 votes. Reviews : 5

      Bush vs. osama
    Bush and Osama decided to settle the war once and for all...
    » Category : Ethnic jokes. Rating : 4.96, 528 votes. Reviews : 26

      gay joke
    how much cum can a gay guy hold?A butt load!...
    » Category : Gay jokes. Rating : 5.15, 503 votes. Reviews : 20

    What's the hardest part about rollerblading? It's telling your parents that you're gay...
    » Category : Gay jokes. Rating : 4.53, 496 votes. Reviews : 4

    Two gay freinds were sitting of which one was reading a travel brochere,he said - lets try GREECE th...
    » Category : Gay jokes. Rating : 4.62, 491 votes. Reviews : 20

      Freezer fart
    What's the diference between a fag and a freezer?Freezers don't fart when you pull the meat out...
    » Category : Gay jokes. Rating : 5.42, 475 votes. Reviews : 9

      A joke
    my friend walks in pub scratching his balls, i say "wot you been up to?" you know that lesbian im always trying to turn? he said, yes...
    » Category : Adult jokes. Rating : 3.03, 476 votes. Reviews : 18

      Practising homosexual
    "Mrs Brett, is it true that your Grandson is a Practising Homosexual?"

    Mrs Brett ...
    » Category : Gay jokes. Rating : 3.31, 472 votes. Reviews : 21

      Who enjoys sex more
    A man and a woman were having drinks when they got into an argument about who enjoyed sex more...
    » Category : Adult jokes. Rating : 5.26, 459 votes. Reviews : 9

      "the 50th anniversary"
    "The 50th Anniversary" An elderly couple decide tocelebrate their fiftieth anniversary by reliving theirhoneymoon...
    » Category : Insults jokes. Rating : 4.72, 489 votes. Reviews : 32

      All Gay High School
    Just heard about the existence, in Cali, of an all gay high school, and I wondered about the concept and the criteria for attendance, shared the information with my wife who asked "...
    » Category : Gay jokes. Rating : 3.38, 455 votes. Reviews : 6

      Gay hit lines
    What's a good pick up line at a Gay Bar?"Hi there...
    » Category : Gay jokes. Rating : 4.42, 431 votes. Reviews : 1

      Your mom
    The only reason I make fun of your mom is because there is so much of her...
    » Category : Insults jokes. Rating : 4.60, 421 votes. Reviews : 42

      Shower curtain
    Joel: "What`s the difference between a shower curtain and toilet paper?"

    Adrian: ` I don`t know...
    » Category : Gay jokes. Rating : 4.05, 414 votes. Reviews : 8

      What did one gay sperm say to the other gay sperm?
    What did one gay sperm say to the other Gay sperm?How do we find the egg in all this shit?!...
    » Category : Gay jokes. Rating : 5.42, 406 votes. Reviews : 21

      Big race
    Two queers and two dikes deside to race from sanfransisco to new york who do you think wins? The dikes because they leave lickety split will the queers go home and pack there shit...
    » Category : Gay jokes. Rating : 4.72, 404 votes. Reviews : 3

  pages : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ... [>>]

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