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      Why the chicken crossed the street
    Why did the chicken cross the street?Answer: Com'on a chicken never crossed any one...
    » Category : Humor jokes. Rating : 3.38, 16 votes. Reviews : 0

      Awkward Bob -2
    Bob was a member of the chess club...
    » Category : Dirty jokes. Rating : 4.28, 25 votes. Reviews : 0

      Old Man doing Sperm Count Test
    An 85-year-old man went to his doctors office to get a sperm count...
    » Category : Medical jokes. Rating : 8.24, 25 votes. Reviews : 0

      UFO Crash
    A guy is walking beside a lake when he sees a flying saucer swoop overhead, and crash in to the water...
    » Category : Adult jokes. Rating : 5.40, 90 votes. Reviews : 0

      the gay dick joke-2
    are you so gay you have sex with guys ass or you suck guys dicks your...
    » Category : Gay jokes. Rating : 2.16, 149 votes. Reviews : 0

      Top perks in marrying a prince of England
    1. You get to see why his brother is named Prince Hairy. 2. It really helps your career as a cover g...
    » Category : Humor jokes. Rating : 4.12, 8 votes. Reviews : 0

      The One-Armed Lesbian Dwarf Thrower
    [Mary Magdala and Jesus the Nazerene sit under a tree, sharing a joint]Maggie: What was with that quip you gave to Judah, about the poor?Joshua: What quip?Mary: You know, “the poor you have with you always”...
    » Category : Religious jokes. Rating : 6.00, 12 votes. Reviews : 0

      The counselor
    After just a few years of marriage, filled with constant arguments, a young man and his wife decided the only way to save their marriage was to try counseling...
    » Category : Humor jokes. Rating : 6.66, 18 votes. Reviews : 0

      Gun Fun
    What do you say to a gay with a ...
    » Category : Gay jokes. Rating : 3.57, 123 votes. Reviews : 0

      Gay barbeque
    how do you know you're at a gay barbeque? The hot dogs taste like shit!...
    » Category : Dirty jokes. Rating : 6.79, 39 votes. Reviews : 0

      Supermarket Trolley Joke
    Q. What's the difference between a Blonde and a supermarket trolley?A. A supermarket trolley has ...
    » Category : Blonde jokes. Rating : 4.54, 11 votes. Reviews : 0

      Blonde (or Essex Girl) Joke
    Q. Why do blondes wear knickers?A. To keep their ankles warm....
    » Category : Blonde jokes. Rating : 4.54, 11 votes. Reviews : 0

      Termite destruction
    Why did The Jews' house get destroyed by termites ? ...
    » Category : Animal jokes. Rating : 5.14, 7 votes. Reviews : 0

      a Clinton joke
    What did Bill Clinton say about the female intern who 'got away?' - "Close, but no cigar!" So sue me...
    » Category : Humor jokes. Rating : 4.64, 11 votes. Reviews : 0

      Termite damage
    Why did the Jews house get destroyed by termites ? ...
    » Category : Ethnic jokes. Rating : 4.00, 13 votes. Reviews : 0

      Bad boys
    Why do gays enjoy hanging out with criminals? Because they find assholes irresistible...
    » Category : Gay jokes. Rating : 4.56, 96 votes. Reviews : 0

      my mom joke
    your mums so fat she gets cheats for wii fitwat do u call an italian with a rubber toe robert...
    » Category : Humor jokes. Rating : 3.60, 15 votes. Reviews : 0

      Hormone OR Whore moan
    How do you make a whore moan?Put sand in her vaseline...
    » Category : Adult jokes. Rating : 4.15, 108 votes. Reviews : 1

      Shake ya ass
    The alway's sexy colombian singer Shakira was on a good-wil-ambassador visit in a very remote part of the African Rainforest...
    » Category : Adult jokes. Rating : 4.32, 104 votes. Reviews : 0

      Hilarious conversation
    Dango: gettin' good score?SCRIV: 4 whtSCRIV: ohSCRIV: yeaSCRIV: but i play nao s...
    » Category : Dirty jokes. Rating : 2.92, 47 votes. Reviews : 0

  pages : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ... [>>]

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