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  Jokes > Religious jokes : total 620. Page : 1.

      The One-Armed Lesbian Dwarf Thrower
    [Mary Magdala and Jesus the Nazerene sit under a tree, sharing a joint]Maggie: What was with that quip you gave to Judah, about the poor?Joshua: What quip?Mary: You know, “the poor you have with you always”...
    » Category : Religious jokes. Rating : 6.00, 12 votes. Reviews : 0

      The preacher and the microphone
    The preacher was wired for sound with a lapel mike, and ashe preached, he moved briskly about the platform, jerking themike cord as he went...
    » Category : Religious jokes. Rating : 4.62, 39 votes. Reviews : 0

      Matzo balls
    A Jewish family invited their gentile neighbors for holidaydinner...
    » Category : Religious jokes. Rating : 4.97, 34 votes. Reviews : 7

      Religous golf game
    A bunch of Cardinals got together with the Pope and decidedthat they wanted to have a golf game against the otherreligions...
    » Category : Religious jokes. Rating : 2.20, 5 votes. Reviews : 0

      Freudian slip
    One day there was a priest sitting in a pew with a veryworried and nervous look, and a another priest saw him andwondered what was wrong...
    » Category : Religious jokes. Rating : 4.83, 6 votes. Reviews : 51

      You are not a monk
    A man is driving down the road and breaks down near amonastery...
    » Category : Religious jokes. Rating : 6.75, 4 votes. Reviews : 0

      The second flood
    God appears to the people of the world and says that he willin three days flood the earth again...
    » Category : Religious jokes. Rating : 6.33, 3 votes. Reviews : 0

      23rd channel
    The 23rd ChannelThe TV is my shepherd, I shall not want...
    » Category : Religious jokes. Rating : 6.00, 16 votes. Reviews : 9

      Jewish dilemma
    Definition of a Jewish dilemma:Someone yelling, "Free ham!"...
    » Category : Religious jokes. Rating : 7.12, 9 votes. Reviews : 0

      Church billboards
    * It is unlikely there`ll be a reduction in the wages ofsin...
    » Category : Religious jokes. Rating : 5.12, 32 votes. Reviews : 45

      A child interprets the bible
    A father was reading Bible stories to His young son...
    » Category : Religious jokes. Rating : 4.55, 11 votes. Reviews : 0

      Why adam came before eve
    Q: Why did God create Adam before creating Eve?A: Because every great eartist makes a rough copy before hecreates the masterpiece...
    » Category : Religious jokes. Rating : 7.27, 11 votes. Reviews : 1

    A Christian couple felt it important to own an equallyfundamentally Christian pet...
    » Category : Religious jokes. Rating : 5.60, 5 votes. Reviews : 0

      The end is near
    A plane full of retirees headed for Florida was gripped withfear when the pilot announced, "Two of our engines are onfire; we are flying through a heavy fog, and it haseliminated virtually all our visibility...
    » Category : Religious jokes. Rating : 5.07, 29 votes. Reviews : 37

      Protestants vs catholics
    A Protestant died and was sent to hell...
    » Category : Religious jokes. Rating : 3.36, 154 votes. Reviews : 16

      Bang bang!
    Q: What goes, "clip clop, clip clop, bang! bang! bang!clippity clop, clippity clop?" A:...
    » Category : Religious jokes. Rating : 8.67, 3 votes. Reviews : 0

      A bee at a bar mitzvah
    A hungry bee meets a fellow bee who directs the hungry oneto a Bar Mitzvah...
    » Category : Religious jokes. Rating : 4.56, 44 votes. Reviews : 37

      The top 15 christian coalition-approved nicknames for breasts
    15. Democrat Catchers 14. NFRU (Not for Recreational Use) 13. Pastor Baiters 12. Mounds ...
    » Category : Religious jokes. Rating : 0.00, 0 votes. Reviews : 0

      New twist on an old prayer
    A woman had been teaching her three-year-old daughter, the"Lord`s Prayer"...
    » Category : Religious jokes. Rating : 4.74, 15 votes. Reviews : 14

      Do you believe?
    One summer, a drought threatened the crop in a small town...
    » Category : Religious jokes. Rating : 4.33, 3 votes. Reviews : 0

  Religious jokes pages : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ... [>>]

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