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  Jokes > Medical jokes : total 297. Page : 1.

      Old Man doing Sperm Count Test
    An 85-year-old man went to his doctors office to get a sperm count...
    » Category : Medical jokes. Rating : 8.24, 25 votes. Reviews : 0

      Nurse nancy
    Two doctors in practice in a small country clinic had to hire a new nurse when the one they had won the lottery and quit...
    » Category : Medical jokes. Rating : 5.36, 61 votes. Reviews : 15

      Curing a cough-1
    The owner of a drugstore arrives at work to find a man leaning heavily against a wall...
    » Category : Medical jokes. Rating : 2.90, 27 votes. Reviews : 53

    Then there`s the woman who goes to the dentist...
    » Category : Medical jokes. Rating : 4.88, 8 votes. Reviews : 4

      Two new offices
    Two doctors opened offices in a small town and put up a sign reading, "Dr...
    » Category : Medical jokes. Rating : 5.00, 3 votes. Reviews : 0

      Pregnancy pains
    A woman goes to her doctor who verifies that she is pregnant...
    » Category : Medical jokes. Rating : 3.00, 5 votes. Reviews : 0

      Scooby dooby doo
    A flat-chested young lady goes to Dr...
    » Category : Medical jokes. Rating : 5.63, 29 votes. Reviews : 22

      Wife in coma-1
    A woman was in a coma...
    » Category : Medical jokes. Rating : 5.62, 8 votes. Reviews : 0

      Actual medical charts-1
    The baby was delivered, the cord clamped and cut and handed to the pediatrician, who breathed and cried immediately...
    » Category : Medical jokes. Rating : 4.91, 10 votes. Reviews : 7

      Nursing home sleeping aid
    Patty is visiting Her father Ralph at the nursing home...
    » Category : Medical jokes. Rating : 5.81, 10 votes. Reviews : 28

      Doctor translations
    "This should be taken care of right away...
    » Category : Medical jokes. Rating : 5.30, 13 votes. Reviews : 4

      The ugly patient
    A very homely person made an appointment with a psychiatrist...
    » Category : Medical jokes. Rating : 4.51, 63 votes. Reviews : 5

      Crazy patients-1
    A doctor of psychology was doing his normal morning rounds when he entered a patient`s room...
    » Category : Medical jokes. Rating : 5.24, 61 votes. Reviews : 37

      Psychiatric phone line
    Hello. Welcome to the Psychiatric HotlineIf you are obsessive-compulsive, please press 1 repeate...
    » Category : Medical jokes. Rating : 6.95, 43 votes. Reviews : 18

      Do you have the time?
    A man is strolling past the mental hospital and suddenly remembers an important meeting...
    » Category : Medical jokes. Rating : 0.00, 0 votes. Reviews : 0

      Psychiatrist's office
    The woman seated herself in the psychiatrists office...
    » Category : Medical jokes. Rating : 6.00, 1 votes. Reviews : 0

      Mental release-1
    A man who had been in a mental home for some years finally seemed to have improved to the point where it was thought he might be released...
    » Category : Medical jokes. Rating : 5.58, 24 votes. Reviews : 17

      Professional sex
    At a medical convention, a male doctor and a female doctor start eyeing each other...
    » Category : Medical jokes. Rating : 5.19, 46 votes. Reviews : 1

      An ailing child
    The young lady entered the doctor`s office carrying an infant...
    » Category : Medical jokes. Rating : 5.00, 26 votes. Reviews : 48

      An irish mental institution
    In Ireland there is a mental institution that every year picks two of it`s most reformed patients and questions them...
    » Category : Medical jokes. Rating : 4.70, 10 votes. Reviews : 21

  Medical jokes pages : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 [>>]

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