Small gay jokes
Gay jokes
Rating : 4.71, 273 votes.
Reviews : 43 [add review]
What do you call a gay dinosaur? Megasoreass ..What do you call a gay dinosaur? Megasoreass A car full of lesbians and a car full of gay guys are going out of town. Who`s going to get there first?
The Lesbians. Because they get there lickety split and they gays guys were to busy packing their shit. How do you fit 4 gay men on 1 barstool? Turn it upside down. Three Gay Guys Sitting In A Bath Tub. A Condom Floats To The Top. One Guy Says "Who Farted?" Two condoms walk into a gay bar..They both got shit faced. Whats the difference between a lesbian and a rhinocerous? 50 pounds and a flannel. What did they call lesbians in mid-evil times? Fur traders. What do lesbians eat for desert? Astrap on banana split. What route did the fag take to the gay bar. He rid the hersey highway leading to the fudge freeway and exited 0n 69. What do you call a lesbian eskimo? Klondike What do you call a lesbian dinosaur? A Likalottapuss Why do gay men have moustaches? So they can hide the stretch marks. What do you call a cabinet full of lesbians? A liquer cabinet.
Rating : 4.71, 273 votes.
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